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P01.15 Personalized combination of neoadjuvant domatinostat, nivolumab (NIVO) and ipilimumab (IPI) in macroscopic stage III melanoma patients stratified according to interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) signature – the DONIMI study
  1. ILM Reijers1,
  2. EA Rozeman1,
  3. P Dimitriadis1,
  4. O Krijgsman1,
  5. LJW Bosch1,
  6. S Cornelissen1,
  7. J Bouwman1,
  8. JM Versluis1,
  9. D Rao1,
  10. B van de Wiel1,
  11. AJ Spillane2,
  12. RA Scolyer2,
  13. AM Menzies2,
  14. ACJ van Akkooi1,
  15. GV Long2 and
  16. CU Blank1
  1. 1Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  2. 2Melanoma Institute Australia, Sydney, Australia


Background The previous OpACIN and OpACIN-neo studies investigating neoadjuvant IPI plus NIVO have demonstrated high pathologic response rates (74–78%) and favorable long-term outcomes for patients (pts) with a pathological response; at 36 and 18 months follow up only 1/71 (1.4%) responders has relapsed. In contrast, pathological non-responders have a poor prognosis; 15/23 (65.2%) have relapsed so far. This emphasizes the need for baseline biomarkers predictive of non-response and new neoadjuvant treatment combinations for these pts. In our previous studies, baseline IFN-γ signature high pts were more likely to respond to IPI plus NIVO. The DONIMI study tests the combination of NIVO ± IPI combined with a class 1 histone deacetylase inhibitor, domatinostat (DOM), according to the pts IFN-γ signature. We have developed a neoadjuvant IFN-γ signature, based on the signature previously described by Ayers et al., that will be used for the first time to classify pts in this prospective trial.

Trial design This two-center investigator-initiated phase 1b study aims to assess the safety and feasibility of neoadjuvant NIVO ± DOM ± IPI in 45 stage III melanoma pts with macroscopic de-novo or recurrent disease. IFN-γ signature high pts (n=20) will be randomized (stratified by center) to Arm A (2 cycles NIVO 240 mg q3wk) or Arm B (2 cycles NIVO 240 mg q3wk + DOM 200 mg twice daily (BID), d1-14, q3wk). IFN-γ signature low pts (n=25) will be randomized to Arm C (2 cycles NIVO 240 mg q3wk + DOM 200 mg BID, d1-14, q3wk) or Arm D (2 cycles NIVO 240 mg q3wk + IPI 80 mg q3wk + DOM 200 mg once daily (OD), d1-14, q3wk). Based on safety data of the first 5 pts in arm D, the remaining pts will be treated with either a higher dosing scheme (200 mg BID, d1-14, q3wks), a lower dosing scheme (100 mg OD, d1-14, q3wks) or the same dosing scheme (200 mg OD, d1-14, q3wks). The primary endpoint is safety and feasibility. A treatment arm will be declared as not feasible if 2/5 or 3/10 patients cannot adhere to the planned time of surgery (week 6 ± 1week) due to treatment-related adverse events. Biopsies (week 0, 3), blood samples (week 0, 3, 6, 12) and feces (week 0, 3, 6) will be collected for translational research. To date, 7 patients have been enrolled.

Clinical trial information NCT04133948

Disclosure Information I.L.M. Reijers: None. E.A. Rozeman: None. P. Dimitriadis: None. O. Krijgsman: C. Other Research Support (supplies, equipment, receipt of drugs or other in-kind support); Modest; BMS. L.J.W. Bosch: None. S. Cornelissen: None. J. Bouwman: None. J.M. Versluis: None. D. Rao: None. B. van de Wiel: None. A.J. Spillane: None. R.A. Scolyer: F. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; MSD, Neracare, Myriad, Novartis. A.M. Menzies: F. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; BMS, MSD Oncology, Novartis, Pierre Fabre, Roche. A.C.J. van Akkooi: B. Research Grant (principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received); Modest; Amgen, BMS, Novartis. F. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Amgen, BMS, Novartis, MSD, Merck, Merck-Pfizer, 4SC. G.V. Long: F. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Aduro, Amgen, BMS, Mass-Array, Pierre-Fabre, Novartis, Merck MSD, Roche. C.U. Blank: B. Research Grant (principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received); Modest; BMS, Novartis, Nanostring. F. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; BMS, MSD, Roche, Novartis, GSK, AZ, Pfizer, Lilly, Genmab, Pierre Fabre.

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