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O2 Directly linking single T cell phenotype and function to genotype
  1. Y Bronevetsky
  1. Berkeley Lights Inc., Emeryville, CA, USA


T cell therapies for cancer treatment are challenging to develop because of the complex mechanisms and cell interactions that underly T cell-mediated tumor killing. Current technologies rely on correlating phenotype, function, and gene expression based on experiments performed on different populations of T cells because no one platform is able to assess cell surface marker expression, cytokine secretion, and tumor cell killing activity of the same T cell and recover this cell for downstream genomic analysis. Here we share two use cases - CAR-T cell functional screening and TCR sequence recovery following functional assay - that demonstrate how the T Cell Analysis Suite on the LightningTM optofluidic platform can be used to directly link T cell phenotype and function (IFNγ secretion and tumor cell killing) to genotype (TCR sequence recovery) at a single-cell level and on the same T cell, enabling deeper and more thorough characterization of how T cells mediate tumor cell death and potentially the development of more efficacious therapies.

Disclosure Information Y. Bronevetsky: A. Employment (full or part-time); Significant; Berkeley Lights Inc.

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