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P07.02 High-affinity TCRs specific for cancer testis antigens as a therapy for multiple myeloma and solid tumors
  1. MAJ de Rooij,
  2. DM van der Steen,
  3. D Remst,
  4. A Wouters,
  5. M van der Meent,
  6. RS Hagedoorn,
  7. MGD Kester,
  8. PA van Veelen,
  9. FJH Falkenburg and
  10. MHM Heemskerk
  1. LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands


Background Cancer Testis Antigens (CTAs) are highly expressed in multiple different tumor types, but silent in normal tissue, except the testis. This tumor-restricted expression pattern makes them an ideal target for adoptive T-cell therapy. However, the responsiveness in clinical setting may be hampered because high-affinity T cells against self-antigens presented in the context of self-HLA are deleted in the thymus by negative selection. In this study, we aim to identify high-affinity T cell receptors (TCRs) specific for CTAs from the allogeneic-HLA repertoire.

Materials and Methods In this study, HLA class I binding peptides derived from different CTA genes were identified by HLA-peptide elution experiments and subsequent mass spectrometric analysis. From the identified peptides HLA tetramers were generated to isolate peptide specific CD8+ T cells from healthy allogeneic donors. Efficacy and safety of the TCRs was determined by various different stimulation assays. The most potent TCRs were sequenced, analyzed and transduced into peripheral CD8+ and CD4+ T cells to confirm CTA specific cytokine production and cytotoxicity.

Results MAGE and CTAG peptides were eluted from multiple myelomas, EBV-transformed lymphoblastic cells, acute myeloid leukemia and ovarium carcinomas. We selected TCRs recognizing 3 different MAGE-A1 peptides in the context of HLA-A*02:01, HLA-A*03:01 and HLA-B*07:02. Furthermore, we selected TCRs specific for MAGE-A3 in the context of HLA-B*35:01 and HLA-A*01:01; TCRs specific for MAGE-A9 in the context of HLA-A*01:01 and TCRs specific for CTAG1 in the context of HLA-A*02:01. The selected T-cell clones demonstrated efficient recognition of MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3 or CTAG1 positive multiple myeloma and solid tumor cell lines without detectable cross-reactivity.

Conclusions We identified multiple different TCRs from the allogeneic-HLA repertoire specific for CTA genes. These TCRs demonstrate efficient recognition and killing of CTA positive multiple myeloma and solid tumor cell lines and did not show any cross-reactivity. The peptides recognized by the TCRs are presented in different HLA alleles. Since, 71% of the world population contains one of these HLA-alleles, a large percentage suffering from a MAGE or CTAG positive tumor could potentially be treated with the identified TCRs by TCR-gene therapy.

Disclosure Information M.A.J. de Rooij: None. D.M. van der Steen: None. D. Remst: None. A. Wouters: None. M. van der Meent: None. R.S. Hagedoorn: None. M.G.D. Kester: None. P.A. van Veelen: None. F.J.H. Falkenburg: None. M.H.M. Heemskerk: None.

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