Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Allograft Rejection in Patients with Cancer and Prior Solid Organ Transplantation

Prior organ transplantationCheckpoint inhibitorAllograft rejection, no./reported cases (%)Median time to rejection, days (range)
All16/39 (41)15.5 (5–60)
RenalIpilimumab2/4 (50)21
Nivolumab2/5 (40)18.5 (7–30)
Pembrolizumab4/9 (44)21 (5–60)
Ipilimumab + nivolumab1/1 (100)8
Ipilimumab followed by nivolumab or pembrolizuamba2/4 (50)14.5 (8–21)
All11/23 (48)21 (5–60)
HepaticIpilimumab1/3 (33)13
Nivolumab2/4 (50)12.5 (7–18)
Pembrolizumab1/3 (33)7
Ipilimumab followed by pembrolizumaba0/1 (0)
All4/11 (36)10 (7–18)
CardiacIpilimumab0/1 (0)
Nivolumab1/2 (50)5
Pembrolizumab0/1 (0)
Ipilimumab followed by pembrolizumaba0/1 (0)
All1/5 (20)5

aSix patients switched to anti-PD-1 agents after progression with ipilimumab alone. For those patients, median time to rejection (when it occurred) was calculated as the time from first infusion of the last checkpoint inhibitor agent until allograft rejection