Overview of pembrolizumab immunogenicity findings

Pembrolizumab in the nonadjuvant setting: melanoma, NSCLC, HNSCC, CRC, HL, UC
Stratified by treatmentAll treatmentsTreatment
2 mg/kg Q3W10 mg/kg Q3W/Q2W200 mg Q3W
 Immunogenicity status
 Assessable patientsa36556672007981
 Inconclusive patientsb1655125146268
 Evaluable patientsc2000542545913
  Negatived1943 (97.2%)527 (97.2%)529 (97.8%)887 (97.2%)
  Non–treatment-emergent positived21 (1.1%)7 (1.3%)4 (0.7%)10 (1.1%)
   Neutralizing negative19 (1.0%)5 (0.9%)4 (0.7%)10 (1.1%)
   Neutralizing positive2 (0.1%)2 (0.4%)
  Treatment-emergent positived36 (1.8%)8 (1.5%)12 (2.2%)16 (1.8%)
   Neutralizing negative27 (1.4%)6 (1.1%)11 (2.0%)10 (1.1%)
   Neutralizing positive9 (0.5%)2 (0.4%)1 (0.2%)6 (0.7%)
Stratified by indicationMelanomaNSCLCHNSCCCRCHLUC
 Immunogenicity status
 Assessable patientsa1465123610154220579
 Inconclusive patientsb10634453903870
 Evaluable patientsc4027916254182509
  Negatived395 (98.3%)762 (96.3%)59 (95.2%)51 (94.4%)179 (98.4%)497 (97.6%)
  Non–treatment emergent positived4 (1.0%)6 (0.8%)2 (3.2%)2 (3.7%)2 (1.1%)5 (1.0%)
   Neutralizing negative3 (0.7%)5 (0.6%)2 (3.2%)2 (3.7%)2 (1.1%)5 (1.0%)
   Neutralizing positive1 (0.2%)1 (0.1%)
  Treatment emergent positived3 (0.7%)23 (2.9%)1 (1.6%)1 (1.9%)1 (0.6%)7 (1.4%)
   Neutralizing negative2 (0.5%)18 (2.3%)1 (1.6%)1 (1.9%)5 (1.0%)
   Neutralizing positive1 (0.2%)5 (0.6%)001 (0.6%)2 (0.4%)

ADA Antidrug antibody, CRC Colorectal carcinoma, DTL Drug tolerance level, HL Hodgkin lymphoma, UC Urothelial cancer, NSCLC Non–small cell lung carcinoma, HNSCC head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, NSCLC Non–small cell lung carcinoma, Q2W every 2 weeks, Q3W every 3 weeks, UC urothelial carcinoma

aIncluded are patients with at least 1 ADA sample available after treatment with pembrolizumab

bInconclusive patients are the number of patients with no positive ADA samples and the drug concentration in the last sample above the DTL

cEvaluable patients are the total number of negative and positive patients (non–treatment emergent and treatment emergent)

dDenominator was total number of evaluable patients, highlighted in bold