Patients with pericardial effusion under nivolumab: demographic and clinical characteristics

All patients(n = 16)Previous cases(n = 13)This work(n = 3)
Patient’s characteristics
 Age (years ± SD)63±764±759±4
Type of tumour
 Malignant pericardial effusion8(50)6(46)2
n-line therapy
  > 32(13)2(15)0
Previous therapeutics
 Thoracic irradiation10(63)7(54)3
 Tyrosine kinase inhibitors3(19)3(23)0
Pericardial effusion
 Time of onset (cycles, median (range))5(1–35)5(1–24)6(4–35)
Initial symptoms
 Chest pain3(19)3(23)0
 Respiratory failure4(25)3(23)1
 Pericardial window5(31)4(31)1
 Surgical drainage2(13)1(8)1
Nivolumab use
 Stopped and Resumed4(25)3(23)1
 Resolution of pericardial effusion12(75)9(69)3
 Other IrAEs7(44)5(38)2
 Recurrent pericardial effusion3(19)3(23)0
Pericardial fluid cytology
 Malignant cells6(38)6(46)0
Pericardial biopsy
 Malignant cells0(0)0(0)0
 Atypical cells2(13)1(8)1
 Mesothelial hyperplasia2(13)1(8)1

Data are given as absolute value with percentage for all patients (n = 16), for patients from case reports reported in the literature (n = 13) and from our 3 cases

aTopotecan, Everolimus, Temozolamide, Docetaxel, Gemcitabine, Vinorelbine, S-1

bCaughing (1), Fever (1), cardiac arrest (1)