Table 1

Patients characteristics of the whole collective (n=380) considering combined immunotherapy at first line or not at first line

Baseline characteristicsTotalCombiIT first lineCombiIT not first lineP value*
N (%)
 Male240 (63.2)165 (66)75 (57.7)0.111
 Female140 (36.8)85 (44)55 (42.3)
Age (years) at the time of CombiIT
 <54153 (40.3)90 (36)63 (48.5) 0.024
 54–64105 (27.6)69 (27.6)36 (27.7)
 >64122 (32.1)91 (36.4)31 (23.8)
BRAF status
 BRAF wild type138 (36.3)112 (44.8)26 (20) < 0.0001
 BRAF mutant242 (63.7)138 (55.2)104 (80)
LDH level†
 Normal189 (51.4)131 (54.1)58 (46.0)0.223
 Elevated133 (36.1)85 (35.1)48 (38.1)
 2×>ULN46 (12.5)26 (10.8)20 (15.9)
S100B level†
 Normal109 (32.8)69 (31.2)40 (36.4)0.597
 Elevated156 (47)106 (47.7)50 (45.4)
 10×>ULN67 (20.2)47 (21.1)20 (18.2)
Number of MBM at the time of CombiIT†
 1–3167 (46.8)127 (53.6)40 (33.3) < 0.0001
 >3190 (53.2)110 (46.4)80 (66.7)
 0249 (66.4)168 (67.7)81 (63.8)0.741
 187 (23.2)55 (22.2)32 (25.2)
 >139 (10.4)25 (10.1)14 (11)
Presence of symptoms†
 Yes60 (31)44 (32.1)16 (28.6)0.629
 No133 (69)93 (67.9)40 (71.4)
Local therapy
 STR/surgery‡220 (57.9)135 (54)85 (65.4) 0.011
 No local therapy90 (23.7)71 (28.4)19 (14.6)
 WBRT70 (18.4)44 (17.6)26 (20)
  • Bold values indicate statistically significant results.

  • *Pearson’s χ2 test.

  • †Denotes variables for which the missing/unknown values were excluded from the analysis.

  • ‡Ten patients (4.5%) received only surgery. Four patients receiving STR/surgery before combined immunotherapy and two patients receiving STR/surgery after combined immunotherapy were treated with the two techniques within an interval of 2 weeks.

  • CombiIT, nivolumab plus ipilimumab; ECOG-PS, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status; MBM, melanoma brain metastases; n, number of patients in each subgroup; STR, stereotactic radiosurgery; ULN, upper level normal; WBRT, whole brain radiotherapy.