Table 1

Baseline patient and disease characteristics

 Male19 (63)
 Female11 (37)
Age, years
 Median (IQR)67 (58–69)
ECOG performance status
 08 (27)
 122 (73)
Biliary tract cancer classification
 Gallbladder cancer12 (40)
 Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma10 (33)
 Extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma7 (23)
 Ampullary cancer1 (3)
Number of prior anticancer therapies*
 126 (87)
 23 (10)
 31 (3)
PD-L1 expression
 Positive16 (53)
 Negative13 (43)
 Not evaluable1 (3)
HBV/HCV positivity
 HBsAg1 (3)
 HBsAb8 (27)
 HBcAb13 (43)
 HCV Ab0
Immune phenotype status
 Immune-desert3 (10)
 Immune-excluded23 (77)
 Inflamed2 (7)
 Not evaluable2 (7)
  • Data are n (%) unless otherwise specified.

  • Positive: PD-L1 expression in ≥1% of tumor cells; negative: PD-L1 expression in <1% of tumor cells.

  • *Include neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapies.

  • †Defined as the proportion of tumor cells showing membranous PD-L1 staining.

  • HCV Ab, antibody [NOTE: THIS IS PUTTING HCV Ab IN PROOF. SHOULD BE: "Ab, antibody"]; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; HBcAb, hepatitis B virus core antibody; HBsAb, hepatitis B virus surface antibody; HBsAg, hepatitis B virus surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HBV-DNA, hepatitis B virus DNA; HCV, hepatitis C virus; PD-L1, programmed death ligand 1.