Table 3

Adverse effects of CAR-T and their management

(AE grading)
(AE grading)
CRESCRS gradingUse of
IL-6R inhibitor
Use of glucocorticoid
1PLT↓ (3)Fever (3), Diarrhea (2), Creatinine ↑ (1), Abnormal coagulation (1)No2YesYes
2WBC↓ (3)Fever (2), Hypoxia (3), Chill (1), Heart failure (3), hypotension (3)No3NoYes
4WBC↓ (2), NEU↓ (3),
PLT↓ (3), LYM ↓ (2)
Fever (2), Hypoglobulinemia (1)No1NoNo
5NoFever (1), Bilirubin ↑ (1), D-Dimer (1), LDH ↑ (1),α-HBDH ↑ (1)No1NoNo
7WBC↓ (4), NEU↓ (4),
PLT↓ (4), LYM↓ (3),
MON↓ (2)
Fever (2)No1NoNo
8WBC↓ (4), NEU↓ (4),
PLT↓ (4), LYM ↓ (4)
Fever (1), NT-BNP (1)No2NoNo
9LYM ↓ (4)Fever (2)No1NoNo
  • ↓ indicates decrease ; ↑ indicates increase.

  • The grading of AE was according to the CTCAE V.4.03.

  • AEs, adverse events; ; CRES, CAR-related encephalopathy syndrome; CRS, cytokine release syndrome; α-HBDH, α hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LYM, lymphocyte; NEU, neutrophil count; NT-BNP, N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide; PLT, platelet count; WBC, white blood cell.