Table 1

Patient baseline demographics and clinical characteristics

Talimogene laherparepvec (N=111)
 Median (range), years68 (26–90)
 <50 years, n (%)19 (17.1)
 ≥50 years, n (%)92 (82.9)
 ≥75 years, n (%)38 (34.2)
Sex, n (%)
 Male49 (44.1)
 Female62 (55.9)
Race, n (%)
 Caucasian111 (100)
ECOG PS 0/1, n (%)87 (78.4)/24 (21.6)
Stage of melanoma, n (%)
 IIIB14 (12.6)
 IIIC32 (28.8)
 IVM1a38 (34.2)
 IIIB-IVM1a84 (75.7)
 IVM1b15 (13.5)
 IVM1c12 (10.8)
BRAF status, n (%)
 Mutation (V600E or V600K)37 (33.3)
 Wild-type73 (65.8)
 Missing/unknown1 (0.9)
Baseline LDH, n (%)
 ≤ULN84 (75.7)
 >ULN27 (24.3)
Baseline HSV status, n (%)
 Positive88 (79.3)
 Negative17 (15.3)
 Equivocal1 (0.9)
 Unknown5 (4.5)
Prior surgical procedures*, n (%)
 Yes108 (97.3)
 No3 (2.7)
Prior anticancer therapy, n (%)
 Yes58 (52.3)
 No53 (47.7)
Type of prior therapy, n (%)
 Immunotherapy†40 (36.0)
 Chemotherapy18 (16.2)
 External beam radiotherapy10 (9.0)
 Targeted biologics‡4 (3.6)
 Targeted small molecules§7 (6.3)
 Other¶19 (17.1)
  • *The most frequently reported surgical procedures were tumor excision (73.0%) and excisional biopsy (55.0%).

  • †Most common class of immunotherapy was immune checkpoint inhibitors (ipilimumab n=22; pembrolizumab n=7; nivolumab n=9).

  • ‡Interferon.

  • §Targeted small molecules include dabrafenib, vemurafenib, cobimetinib and imatinib.

  • ¶Includes radiotherapy, topical therapy, clinical trial, cryotherapy, electrochemotherapy, protein kinase inhibitor, radical teleradiotherapy, chemoimmunotherapy, electrochemotherapy.

  • BRAF, v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1; ECOG PS, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; HSV, herpes simplex virus; ULN, upper limit of normal.