Table 1

Clinical characteristics of patients and statistical significance related to pneumonitis development

P value
Age (years)—median (range)61.0 (47.0–76.0)63.5 (41.0–76.0)0.910
Sex—n (%)1.000
 Male9 (75.0)25 (73.5)
 Female3 (25.0)9 (26.5)
Histology—n (%)*0.316
 Adenocarcinoma9 (75.0)17 (50.0)
 Squamous3 (25.0)13 (38.2)
 No otherwise specified0 (0.0)4 (11.8)
Smoking status—n (%)0.749
  Former6 (50.0)19 (55.9)
  Current6 (50.0)15 (44.1)
Packs-year—median (range)57.0 (20.0–100.0)45.0 (22.0–114.0)0.196
Clinical response—n (%)0.836
  Complete0 (0.0)2 (5.9)
  Partial10 (83.3)23 (67.6)
  Stable2 (16.7)9 (26.5)
Pathological response—n (%)0.480‡, 0.398§
  Complete9 (75.0)17 (58.6)
  Major0 (0.0)8 (27.6)
  Incomplete3 (25.0)4 (13.8)
PFS (months)—median (95% CI)NRNR0.761
OS (months)—median (95% CI)NRNR0.726
No cycles—N (%)0.409
  ≤3 cycles1 (8.3)8 (23.5)
  >3 cycles11 (91.7)26 (76.5)
  • *Four patients had no specified histology

  • †Five patients did not undergo surgery

  • ‡Complete responses versus other

  • §Incomplete responses versus other

  • NR, not reported; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression-free survival.