Table 1

Companion dogs with naturally occurring mastocytoma treated with CFA

DogMCT grade (Kiupel/Patnaik)Dose CFAClinical notes, response to therapy, side effectsDisease-free intervalSurvival expected vs actual (weeks) PIResponse
Rottweiler 7 y MNHigh/30.05Permanent remission in injected unresectable tumor 5 weeks PI.
Multiple de novo tumors from 4 months PI treated with surgery. Euthanased due to unrelated osteosarcoma.
Side effects: local swelling, lethargy at 3 weeks post injection preceding mass regression.
4 months8*/51Remission.
Extended survival
Maltese X Shih Tzu 8 y FNLow/10.05Gradual reduction in size PI.
Tumor surgically resected 9 months post-treatment.
Side effects: Nil reported
+104†/aliveSize reduction.
Maltese 13 y FNHigh/30.05Advanced disease on presentation. Rapidly progressive disease PI.
Side effects: swelling and limping.
German shorthaired pointer 6 y MNLow/20.05Permanent remission of injected tumor and distant untreated MCT 3 weeks PI.
Euthanased after hemoptysis cause unknown.
Side effects: nil reported within 12 months. Pruritus and coughing prior to euthanasia.
16.75 months8–12*/67Remission.
Extended survival
Staffordshire bull terrier 9 y MNLow/20.1Static disease of injected tumor for 3 months. Euthanased for welfare reasons 6 months PI.
Side effects: nil reported
ND/29Static disease 3 months.
Golden retriever 9 y FNHigh/20.1Advanced disease on presentation. Rapidly progressive disease PI.
Side effects: nil reported .
Shar pei 6 y FNHigh/30.1Advanced disease on presentation. Rapidly progressive disease PI.
Side effects: local ulceration at injection site.
Belgian Shepherd 12 y FNUngraded0.1Gradual progressive disease.
Side effects: nil reported
Staffordshire bull terrier 7 y FNLow/10.2Gradual progressive disease.
Side effects: nil reported
Staffordshire bull terrier 12 y FNLow/10.2Static disease.
Side effects: central scab, pruritus.
+104†/aliveStatic disease.
Jack Russell 7 y FNLow/10.2Gradual progressive disease. Surgical removal 16 months post Tx. Local reoccurrence 6.5 months post-surgery.
Side effects: pruritus
Staffordshire bull terrier 6 y FNLow/20.2Rapid progressive disease PI. Surgical removal of masses 19/8/14
Side effects: nil reported
Staffordshire bull terrier 8 y FNUngraded0.2Gradual reduction in size PI.
Side effects: nil reported
ND/aliveSize reduction
Miniature poodle 9 y FNLow/20.1Permanent remission of injected MCT.
Euthanased unrelated nasal adenocarcinoma.
Side effects: ulceration.
+3 months+104†/26Remission
  • *Survival predicted by oncologist or veterinarian.

  • †Survival predicted from literature; alive=as at census date, March 1, 2016.

  • CFA, complete Freund’s adjuvant; FN, female neuter; MN, male neuter; ND, not determined; PI, postinjection.