Table 1

Baseline demographics and disease characteristics (N=13)

CharacteristicPatients, no (%)
Age, median (range) in years64 (31–81)
SexFemale9 (69)
Male4 (31)
ECOG010 (77)
12 (15)
21 (8)
StageIIIC1 (8)
IV-M1a3 (23)
IV-M1b1 (8)
IV-M1c6 (46)
IV-M1d2 (15)
BRAFV600Mutation5 (39)
Wild type8 (62)
Prior lines of systemic therapyMedian (range)3 (2–9)
1 or 24 (31)
>29 (69)
Type of prior treatmentAnti-PD-1 monotherapy13 (100)
Anti-CTLA-4 monotherapy12 (92)
Anti-PD-1/-CTLA-4 combination1 (8)
BRAF-/MEK-inhibition5 (39)
Cytotoxic therapy6 (46)
Injected lesion at baselineNo of myDC-injected lesions, median (range)2 (1–15)
  • Tumor stage was determined according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM 8th edition. Cytotoxic therapy included DTIC, temozolomide.

  • CTLA-4, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; myDC, myeloid dendritic cells; PD-1, programmed death-1.