Table 2

Immune-related enteritis (irEnteritis) clinical, endoscopic, and histological findings (n=19)

CharacteristicsNo. of patients
Days from ICI therapy initiation to irEnteritis onset, median (IQR)138 (50–186)
Presenting associated symptoms
 Diarrhea19 (100%)
 Abdominal pain9 (47%)
 Nausea/vomiting14 (74%)
 Anorexia/early satiety15 (79%)
Weight loss (kg) from irEnteritis onset to nadir, median (IQR)6 (4–8)
Highest CTCAE grade of weight loss
 I (<10% total body weight)12 (63%)
 II (10%–20% total body weight)5 (26%)
 III (>20% total body weight)2 (11%)
Highest CTCAE grade of anorexia*
 I2 (11%)
 II13 (68%)
 III4 (21%)
Highest CTCAE grade of nausea†
 I2 (11%)
 II14 (74%)
 III3 (15%)
Highest CTCAE grade of abdominal pain‡
 None4 (21%)
 I3 (16%)
 II12 (63%)
Highest CTCAE grade of diarrhea§
 I/II15 (79%)
 III/IV4 (21%)
Highest CTCAE grade of colitis¶
 I/II18 (94%)
 III/IV1 (6%)
Pre-OCB fecal calprotectin, median (IQR) (n=10)134 (49–241)
Post-OCB fecal calprotectin normalization** (n=6)5 (86%)
Duration (days) of irEnteritis, median (IQR)123 (35–182)
Hospitalization for irEnteritis6 (32%)
Adverse events on systemic corticosteroids prior to OCB (n=15)6 (40%)
Days of continuous steroids prior to OCB, median (IQR)46 (15–99)
Days from last biological dose to OCB, median (IQR)64 (14–158)
Days from irEnteritis onset to first endoscopy, median (IQR)34 (19–95)
Endoscopic evaluation
 Sigmoidoscopy only2 (11%)
 EGD only4 (21%)
 Colonoscopy and EGD8 (42%)
 Sigmoidoscopy and EGD5 (26%)
EGD endoscopic findings (n=17)
 Normal2 (12%)
 Gastritis3 (18%)
 Duodenitis6 (35%)
 Gastritis and duodenitis5 (29%)
 Esophagitis, gastritis, and duodenitis1 (6%)
EGD endoscopic severity (n=17)
 Normal mucosa5 (29%)
 Erythema4 (24%)
 Marked erythema and edema5 (29%)
 Erosions/ulcerations3 (18%)
EGD histological findings (n=17)
 Duodenitis6 (35%)
 Gastritis and duodenitis9 (53%)
 Esophagitis, gastritis, and duodenitis2 (12%)
Lower endoscopy Mayo score (n=15)
 08 (53%)
 14 (27%)
 23 (20%)
Lower endoscopy histological findings (n=15)
 Active colitis2 (13%)
 Chronic active colitis2 (13%)
 Microscopic colitis (lymphocytic/collagenous)3 (20%)
 GVHD-like/apoptosis-predominant colitis2 (13%)
 Normal mucosa6 (40%)
GI toxicity location
 Upper GI toxicity alone11 (58%)
 Combined upper and lower GI toxicity8 (42%)
Small bowel inflammation
 Noted on EGD17 (89%)
 Suspected but no EGD2 (11%)
Treatments for irEnteritis prior to OCB
 None/symptomatic2 (11%)
 Systemic corticosteroids15 (79%)
 Standard budesonide3 (16%)
 Biological agents4 (21%)
  • *Definitions of CTCAE anorexia grading: I—loss of appetite without alteration in eating habits; II—oral intake altered without significant weight loss or malnutrition; III—associated with significant weight loss or malnutrition.

  • †Definitions of CTCAE nausea grading: I—loss of appetite without alteration in eating habits; II—oral intake decreased without significant weight loss, dehydration, or malnutrition; III—inadequate oral caloric or fluid intake.

  • ‡Definitions of CTCAE abdominal pain grading: I—mild pain; II—moderate pain, limiting instrumental ADL.

  • §Definitions of CTCAE diarrhea grading: I—increase of <4 stools/day over baseline, II—increase of 4–6 stools/day over baseline, III—increase of ≥7 stools/day over baseline, IV—life-threatening consequences.

  • ¶Definitions of CTCAE colitis grading: I—asymptomatic, clinical or diagnostic observations only; II—abdominal pain, mucus or blood in stool; III—severe abdominal pain, peritoneal signs; IV—life-threatening consequences.

  • **Normal fecal calprotectin levels are defined by our lab as <50 µg/g.

  • CTCAE, Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events; EGD, esophagogastroduodenoscopy; GVHD, graft-versus-host disease; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibiitor; irEnteritis, immune-related enteritis; OCB, open-capsule budesonide.