Table 1

Baseline characteristics and DLs

Patient no.SexAge (years)Cancer diagnosisPrior lines of systemic therapiesECOG performance status at baselineLDH level at baseline (xULN)Number of infused CD3+CD8+Dex+
T cells (×109)
1Female63SCC of Anus511.50.086DL1
2Male33SCC of oropharynx511.00.105DL1
3Female64Melanoma (mucosal)411.10.187EC1
4Female53NSCLC adenocarcinoma610.60.415EC1
5Female69SCC of anus310.90.513DL2
6Male49Melanoma (unknown primary)712.10.648DL2
7Male60Melanoma (unknown primary)602.61.278EC2
8Male59Melanoma (cutaneous)511.21.40EC2
9Male64Melanoma (cutaneous)311.21.43EC2
10Female45Melanoma (cutaneous)411.51.601DL3
12Male55Melanoma (cutaneous)500.91.902DL3
13Male72NSCLC adenocarcinoma612.12.065DL3
14Female38Hepatocellular carcinoma400.72.086DL3
16Male72Hepatocellular carcinoma101.12.570DL3
Median (min, max) or Percentage62.5% (male)
37.5% (female)
57 (20, 72)5 (1, 7)25.0% (0)
75.0% (1)
1.15 (0.6, 2.6)1.415 (0.086, 2.570)
  • The table depicts baseline characteristics of all 16 treated patients including median, range (min, max) or percentage where applicable. 14 patients were of Caucasian ethnicity, 1 patient was Hispanic or Latino and 1 patient was black or African American. DL1 is defined as 50×106 transduced cells/m² BSA±20%, DL2 as 300×106 transduced cells/m² BSA±20%, and DL3 as 1000×106 transduced cells/m² BSA±20%. Enrichment cohorts resemble intermediate DLs between DL1 and DL2 as well as DL2 and DL3, respectively.

  • BSA, body surface area; Dex, dextramer; DL, dose level; EC, enrichment cohort; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; ULN, upper limit of normal.