Table 1

Baseline patient characteristics

FactorCategoryn=30 (%)
Age (median, range)64 (43–73)
BMI (median, range)27 (19–33)
SexMale14 (47)
Female16 (53)
Smoking status*Never1 (3)
Former12 (40)
Current17 (57)
AIDYes2 (7)
No28 (93)
ECOG018 (60)
112 (40)
T-stageT311 (37)
T419 (63)
N-stageN018 (60)
N19 (30)
N23 (10)
HistologyNon-squamous21 (70)
Squamous8 (27)
Melanoma lung metastasis1 (3)
PD-L150% or above12 (40)
1–49%3 (10)
Less than 1%4 (13)
Unknown11 (37)
AGA028 (93)
12 (7)
Chemotherapy13 (10)
226 (87)
31 (3)
Immunotherapy14 (13)
226 (87)
Thoracic radiotherapy dose60 Gy3 (10)
50 Gy25 (83)
Less than 50 Gy2 (7)
  • *Never smoker ≤100 cigarettes in a life-time, former=stopped smoking for >1 year, current=active smoker or has stopped for <1 year.

  • AGA, actionable genomic alteration; AID, autoimmune disease in medical history; BMI, body mass index; ECOG, performance status scale according to the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; PD-L1, programmed death ligand-1.