Characteristics and survival distribution of treatment-induced changes in PBDC activation and in mMDSC frequencies

Immune parameterMean treatment-induced increase (range)*Cut-off†Median survival between groups‡ (# of patients in each group)p-value§Hazard ratio (95% CI HR)Mean Halabi Predicted Survival¶p-value׀׀
CD40 on cDC1313% (-67 to +1194)70%38.5 vs. 15.5(22 vs. 6)0.00040.052 (0.010-0.267)18.7 vs. 16.60.614
CD40 on cDC2170% (-52 to +612)150%36.5 vs. 25.5 (10 vs. 18)0.3970.688 (0.299-1.582)16.8 vs. 19.10.338
CD40 on cDC3160% (-16 to +765)70%40.0 vs. 19.0 (19 vs. 9)0.00310.179 (0.057-0.560)18.6 vs. 17.70.684
CD40 on pDC290% (-19 to +1814)450%26.0 vs. 31.5 (4 vs. 26)0.7391.226 (0.373-4.032)14.2 vs. 19.00.168
CD40 on monocytes243% (-28 to +1001)160%57.0 vs. 21.0 (9 vs. 19)0.07490.469 (0.204-1.079)20.1 vs. 17.40.192
Lin-CD14+HLA-DR?mMDSC87% (-71 to +543)60%35.0 vs. 36.0 (8 vs. 11)0.2700.559 (0.198-1.572)16.7 vs. 21.40.139

*Mean and range of treatment-induced increases are given in percentages relative to pre-treatment values.

Cut-off points for survival prediction were determined using the Cox regression model and the relative increments are given as percentage of pre-treatment values.

Median Survival for both groups was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method and given in months.

§Statistical significance of the survival distribution was analyzed by log-rank testing and considered significant when p?<?0.05 (in bold).

Mean Halabi Predicted Survival (HPS) ± standard error (in months) was determined for patients with biomarker increments above or under designated cut-offs. NB: Halabi scores were determined based on Halabi et al. J. Clin. Oncol. 2003 [29], but Halabi scores based on Halabi et al. J. Clin. Oncol. 2014 [53] similarly showed prognosis before treatment (based on HPS) not to be the determining factor for any of these myeloid markers in terms of prediction of median survival upon treatment (not shown).

׀׀Differences in HPS between groups were determined by Mann-Whitney U test and were considered significant when p?<?0.05 (in bold).