Diagnostic Tests and Workup of Patient’s Vision Loss

Time after initial ipilimumab treatmentFour monthsFive monthsFive and a half monthsSix monthsFifteen months
Steriod Dosing/immunosuppressionPrednisone 40 mg with taper to 20 mgMethyprednisolone IV 1 gram x 3 days, then prednisone 40 mgMethyprednisolone IV 1 gram x 5 days, then prednisone 100 mg daily, tapered to 80 mg dailyMethylprednisoloneIV 1 gram daily x 10 days, then prednisone 100 mg daily, mycophenolate mofetil 1000 mg BIDMycophenolate mofetil 1000 mg BID, slow prednisone taper
Ophthalmologic ExamLeft Eye -No light perception Vision; Left afferent pupillary defect; Optic nerve swelling; retinal whiteningRight Eye- visual acuity 20/50; decreased color vision; visual fieldconstriction; opticdisc swelling; Left eye- vision remained nolight perceptionRight Eye - subjectivevision improvement;reduced optic discswelling; followingsteroid treatmentRight Eye- declinedvisual acuityRight Eye - visual acuity 20/20; resolved optic disc swelling; Left Eye -no light perception; atrophic optic nerve
Magnetic Resonance ImagingUnremarkable; No metastasesUnremarkableCircumferential enhancement of intraorbital optic nerves, right > > leftNegative for brain metastases
Lumbar Puncture
Opening pressure23
Cell countWBC 62RBC 2WBC 69RBC 1WBC 42RBC 1WBC 7RBC 0
Protein (normal 15-45)104965132
Glucose (normal 40-70)555286112
Infectious work-upFungal Cx neg; AFB stain neg; Crytpo Ag neg; HSV PCR neg; RPR neg; Lyme neg; CMV neg; VZV; neg; Bartonella negCx negCx neg
CytologyNegative for malignancyNegative for malignancyNegative for malignancy

Abbreviations: IV intravenous; BID twice a day, AFB acid fast bacili, CMV cytomegalovirus, Crypto - cryptococcus; Cx culture, HSV herpes simplex virus; neg - negative; RPR rapid plasma reagin (syphilis), VZV varicella zoster virus