Baseline Characteristics

CharacteristicAll patients (n = 25)
Age, year (range)49 (30–72)
Gender: male, no. (%)11 (44)
 Caucasian, no. (%)22 (88)
 Asian, no. (%)1 (4)
 Black, no. (%)0 (0)
 Latino/Hispanic, no. (%)1 (4)
 Other, no. (%)1 (4)
 Glioblastoma, no. (%)13 (52)
 Anaplastic astrocytoma, no. (%)7 (28)
 Anaplastic oligodendroglioma, no. (%)2 (8)
 Unspecified high grade glioma, no. (%)2 (8)
 Gliosarcoma, no. (%)1 (4)
Performance status, KPS (range)80 (50–100)
Number of prior therapies, median (range)4 (1–9)
Previously received bevacizumab, no. (%)19 (76)
MGMT status
 Methylated, no. (%)4 (16)
 Unmethylated, no. (%)12 (48)
 Unknown, no. (%)9 (36)
IDH1 Status
 IDH1 Mutated, no. (%)10 (40)
 IDH1 Wild Type, no. (%)9 (36)
 Unknown, no. (%)6 (24)
Number of mutations by MSK-Impact, median (range)7 (3–58)
PD-1 inhibitor
 Pembrolizumab, no. (%)25 (100)
Number of doses administered, median (range)3 (1–14)
Concomitant therapy
 Pembrolizumab monotherapy, no. (%)6 (24)
 Bevacizumab, no. (%)17 (68)
 Cytotoxic chemotherapy + bevacizumab, no. (%)2 (8)
 Receiving dexamethasone at time of first dose, no. (%)14 (56%)