Effect estimates for the association of BMI and gender, BMI and serum creatinine on PFS, OS and DCB outcomes by anti-PD1 monotherapy and combination (ipilimumab plus nivolumab)

Outcome: PFS
Type of checkpoint inhibitionEffect Estimatea: HR (95% CI)
Anti-PD1 Monotherapy (N = 77)
 BMI and Gender (Overweight/Class 1 Obese Males vs. Normal Weight Females)0.567 (0.233–1.378)
 BMI and Gender (Overweight/Class 1 Obese Males vs. Normal Weight Males)0.509 (0.196–1.323)
 BMI and Serum Creatinine (Overweight/Class 1 Obese & Serum Creatinine > = 0.9 mg/dL vs. Normal Weight & Serum Creatinine < 0.9 mg/dL)0.439 (0.184–1.047)
Ipilimumab plus Nivolumab (N = 59)
 BMI and Gender (Overweight/Class 1 Obese Males vs. Normal Weight Females)0.424 (0.151–1.192)
 BMI and Gender (Overweight/Class 1 Obese Males vs. Normal Weight Males)0.243 (0.093–0.632)
 BMI and Serum Creatinine (Overweight/Class 1 Obese & Serum Creatinine > = 0.9 mg/dL vs. Normal Weight & Serum Creatinine < 0.9 mg/dL)0.316 (0.120–0.835)
Outcome: OS
Type of checkpoint inhibitionEffect Estimate: HR (95% CI)
Anti-PD1 Monotherapy (N = 77)
 BMI and Gender (Overweight/Class 1 Obese Males vs. Normal Weight Females)0.331 (0.121–0.903)
 BMI and Serum Creatinine (Overweight/Class 1 Obese & Serum Creatinine > = 0.9 mg/dL vs. Normal Weight & Serum Creatinine < 0.9 mg/dL)0.208 (0.073–0.591)
Ipilimumab plus Nivolumab (N = 59)
 BMI and Gender (Overweight/Class 1 Obese & Males vs. Normal Weight Females)0.294 (0.078–1.098)
 BMI and Serum Creatinine (Overweight/Class 1 Obese & Serum Creatinine > = 0.9 mg/dL vs. Normal Weight & Serum Creatinine < 0.9 mg/dL)0.208 (0.056–0.768)
Outcome: DCB
Type of checkpoint inhibitionEffect Estimate: OR (95%CI)
Anti-PD1 Monotherapy (N = 75)
 BMI and Gender (Overweight/Class 1 Obese & Males vs. Normal Weight Females)5.115 (0.914–28.640)
 BMI and Serum Creatinine (Overweight/Class 1 Obese & Serum Creatinine > = 0.9 mg/dL vs. Normal Weight & Serum Creatinine < 0.9 mg/dL)7.22 (1.268–41.143)
Ipilimumab plus Nivolumab (N = 57)
 BMI and Gender (Overweight/Class 1 Obese & Males vs. Normal Weight Females)2.407 (0.456–12.720)
 BMI and Serum Creatinine (Overweight/Class 1 Obese & Serum Creatinine > = 0.9 mg/dL vs. Normal Weight & Serum Creatinine < 0.9 mg/dL)2.813 (0.627–12.611)

aAll effect estimates are un-adjusted