Best overall response in the as-treated population

Response, n (%)Q3W (mg/kg)Q2W (mg/kg)QW x 2 (mg/kg)QW x 4 (mg/kg)Total
Cohort 10.1n = 5 (%)Cohort 20.5n = 5 (%)Cohort 32.5n = 3 (%)Cohort 410n = 6 (%)Cohort 520n = 9 (%)Cohort 610n = 4 (%)Cohort 720n = 18 (%)Cohort 820n = 3 (%)Cohort 920n = 5 (%)N = 58 (%)
Objective response0001 (17)3 (33)1 (25)3 (17)008 (14)
 CR00001 (11)b00001 (2)
 PR0001 (17)c2 (22)d1 (25)e3 (17)b007 (12)
 SD001 (33)2 (33)2 (22)1 (25)6 (33)2 (67)4 (80)18 (31)
 PD3 (60)3 (60)1 (33)1 (17)3 (33)2 (50)5 (28)1 (33)1 (20)20 (35)
Non-evaluablea2 (40)2 (40)1 (33)2 (33)1 (11)04 (22)0012 (21)

Abbreviations: CR complete response, PD progressive disease, PR partial response, SD stable disease

aIncludes patients who discontinued study before first disease assessment and patients for whom not all target lesions were evaluated

bKidney cancer


dKidney cancer (n = 1), melanoma with BRAF mutation (n = 1)

eMelanoma with BRAF mutation